This is happening to me right now actually. We went to Florida, saw Mom and Dad for an evening, stayed up till 3 with my friend Kitty, had Dim Sum with Bryan’s Mom and her husband, who I set a boundary with that made him angry. I had breakfast with an old friend and then we drove two hours to the coast and set off for a cruise. The cruise was relaxing. We went snorkeling in Cozumel and walked Mayan ruins near Costa Maya. Got back from the cruise, went to a family reunion, had our early Christmas celebration and gift exchange, dedicated Riley’s headstone, had a game night, and went to the beach. I also pulled an all nighter with Rachie and Bekah. Then Bryan and I spent a day cleaning, sorting, and packing our things at Mom and Dad’s. Bryan put the door back on the truck dad is giving me and loaded his crotch rocket motorcycle into the bed. We purchased a car from Bryan’s mom and filled it with our things. We prepared the vehicles to be shipped to us in January. Then we had breakfast with Bryan’s first boss, lunch with his old friends, he had a game night while I made dinner for our friend who hosted us and filled her fridge up with groceries. We were dropped off at the airport by Bryan’s Mom and sat at our gate staring blankly into the void, exhausted and incapable of more. I didn’t sleep more than five hours on any night in Florida. We have officially packed up the rest of our lives from Florida and saw some friends for what I’m sure is the last time. This is a pretty typical kind of trip for me. Pack it all in. Not relaxing AT ALL. Some people we saw were offended that we didn’t have more time to spend with them outside of the one meal we slotted space in our schedule for. But every single moment of every day was packed. We could have added to it if we wanted to.

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Sounds totally exhausting… sometimes people joke about “needing a vacation to unwind after their vacation” and that sounds appropriate here!

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